日期:2017-06-30 22:08  点击:807
 3. expressionS OF QUANTITY
A lot, few, many…
I have a lot of money: j’ai beaucoup d’argent (no definite article)(argent is masculine and starts with a vowel)
I have little money: j’ai peu d’argent
I have a lot of bananas: j’ai beaucoup de bananes (banane is feminine)
I want more apples: je veux plus de pommes.
We had little sunshine: nous avons eu peu de soleil (soleil is masculine)
Many children came: beaucoup d’enfants sont venus
However if you are speaking about something specifically:
Many of  the children at this school were ill: beaucoup des enfants de cette école ont été malades.
Sometimes it is subtle:
You can say Je veux du pain, here you mean that you want a slice of bread, and je veux un pain, you want a whole bread.
But you can’t say: je veux de la pomme because you never want a piece of apple but the whole one, so, je veux une pomme !


02/07 12:13