在车上学法语 Lesson 3 - Transportation Nouns交通
日期:2011-01-15 11:25  点击:1879

lecon 3 transportation transport

train- train

a train -un train

the train -le train

the trains- les trains

an automobile   - une voiture

the automobile- la voiture

the automobiles- les voitures

the toilettes- les toilette

taxi un -taxi

the taxi- le taxi

a boat -un bateau

the boat -le bateau

an airplane -un avion

the airplane -l'avion

a bus -un autobus

the bus -l'autobus

the bus-stop -l'arret d'autobus

a ticket -un billet

the ticket -le billet

the ticket window/office-le guichet

an airport -un aeroport

the airport -l'aeroport

the flight -le vol

a connection -une correspondence

the gate -la porte

the train station- la gare

the bus station- la gare routiere

the platform -le quai

which platform?- quel quai?

which track? -quelle voie?

which train car -quelle voiture?



01/08 21:48