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时间:2023-12-28来源:互联网 进入法语论坛
核心提示:Use of definite and indefinite articles.--Simple interrogation.--Contraction of de andwith definite article.--Possessive
Use of definite and indefinite articles.--Simple interrogation.--Contraction of de and à with definite article.--Possessive case of nouns.--Chez.
La France est un beau pays. France is a beautiful country.
Les chevaux sont utiles. Horses are useful.
Je donne ces fruits au professeur, la femme, à l'homme, aux garçons, aux petites filles, etc. I give this fruit to the teacher, to the woman, to the man, etc.
Les livres de la femme, du jeune homme, de l'élève, des enfants, des petites filles. The woman's books, the young man's, the pupil's, etc.
Où est le père de Jean? Est-il chez le professeur? wher is John's father? Is he at the teacher's?
A-t-il un livre? Has he a book?
A. 1. Molière is going to give a sou to the beggar. 2. Honesty is a good thing.[1] 3. He rewarded the beggar's honesty. 4. Voltaire's name is well known. 5. He was Piron's friend. 6. He spent some time at Piron's house.[2] 7. They[3] gave[4] a fête on the occasion of the dauphin's birth. 8. The soldier's appetite was prodigious. 9. The king's officers were at Molière's house. 10. The man with the insatiable stomach approaches[5] the buffet. 11. The beggar notices[6] Molière's mistake. 12. Will you be at the dauphin's castle? 13. I shall be at the queen's castle. 14. Does he give the beggar a sou?
[Footnotes 1: chose (f.). 2: omit. 3: on. 4: past indefinite. 5: s'approcher de. 6: s'apercevoir de (become aware of).]
B. 1. The king's officers did not laugh at[1] the joke. 2. The surprise of the old courtiers was[2] great. 3. Voltaire was a famous author. 4. The servant's master will not be at the castle. 5. He wouldn't have[3] gone to[4] see the servant. 6. The man with[5] the yellow mask had gone to the château. 7. The beggar does not notice[6] the mistake at once. 8. I wondered[7] who was the man with[5] the insatiable stomach. 9. The king winked at[8] the prank. 10. They noticed[9] the soldier in the room for the fifth time. 11. When he had[10] eaten, he withdrew. 12. He is mistaken,[11] he did not see the king. 13. I have been to[4] see John. 14. The soldiers disappear in turns.[12] 15. The officer was put in charge of the château. 16. He will see to the replenishment of the provisions. 17. He is the biggest eater I have[13] ever seen.
[Footnotes 1: de. 2: past definite. 3: être. 4: omit. 5: à. 6: s'apercevoir de. 7: se demander. 8: fermer les yeux sur. 9: apercevoir (perceive concretely). 10: eut. 11: se tromper. 12: à tour de rôle. 13: Why subjunctive?] 


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