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时间:2024-01-30来源:互联网 进入法语论坛
核心提示:Conjunctive pronouns.--Relative position of two pronouns (1) before, (2) after, the verb.ExamplesIl me les donne.Permett
Conjunctive pronouns.--Relative position of two pronouns (1) before, (2) after, the verb.
Il me les donne. Permettez-le-moi.
Il le lui demande. Donnez-leur-en.
Je vous en parlais. Prêtez-m'en.
Leur en avez-vous parlé? Menez-nous-y.
Ne leur en dites rien. Allez-vous-en.
Je l'y ai envoyé pour le leur dire. Etc.
Souviens-toi de cela; souviens-t'en.  
A. 1. Do you want my cane? Here it is. I will lend it to you. 2. I need my books; send them back to me when he gives[1] them to you. 3. The bearer of the letter gives it to her. 4. When he found the letter, he sent it to us. 5. Why don't you (familiar form) believe me when I tell you so?[2] 6. I went to the poet's house to look for my servant, and I found him there. 7. Send them there at once. 8. I shall send them there. 9. If she is pretty, talk to her about it,[4] if not,[3] don't talk to her about it.[4] 10. He has already told me something about it.[4] 11. Have you seen the gypsies? There were two of them[4] in front of the church; I spoke to them. 12. They predicted fortune for me, but I told them I didn't need it. 13. But they picked my pockets for[5] me. 14. The servant was leading him by the arm, as you may[5] imagine (it[2]). 15. If you have good oysters, give me two dozen (of them). 16. Give me also a dozen eggs. 17. There is a bullet in the wound; when you find[1] it, give it to me. 18. The gypsies tell her fine things, but she doesn't believe; them.
[Footnotes 1: future. 2: le. 3: si non. 4: en 5: omit.]
B. Word Study. In the following anecdote, substitute equivalents for expressions in italics. 

热门TAG: 法语语法学习

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