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时间:2024-01-30来源:互联网 进入法语论坛
核心提示:Compound tenses.--Avoir and tre as auxiliaries.--Agreement of past participles: Avoir verbs (all transitives and many in
Compound tenses.--Avoir and être as auxiliaries.--Agreement of past participles: Avoir verbs (all transitives and many intransitives).
Avoir verb: J'ai acheté des fleurs; avez-vous vu les fleurs que j'ai achetées? I have bought some flowers; did you see the flowers that I bought?
Être verbs: reflexives, passives, and some intransitives (mainly verbs of motion); see Lessons X, XI, XII.
A. 1. If I had recognized the actors, I would have accosted them. 2. Those rôles are easy, I have played them lots of times. 3. Here are the five louis that[1] I stole from you. 4. I didn't know that you[2] had stolen five. 5. Did you see the words that[1] I carved on the door? 6. If I had possessed a garden, I would have been content. 7. The painter forgot his position. 8. If she had called them, they wouldn't have heard her. 9. They[3] are good troops, but they have been beaten more than once. 10. There are the melons which[1] I received. 11. I have run more than[4] a league.[5] 12. Have you eaten many melons? 13. The melons that[1] I have eaten were good. 14. When he had[6] left the table, the chance was lost. 15. He lost the battle, too, but he wouldn't have lost it if he had finished earlier. 16. When you finish[7] I shall have given the signal to attack. 17. I shall wait until she has[8] finished.
[Footnotes 1: que. 2: supply en after vous.
agreement with en? 3: Ce. 4: what proposition? 5: lieue (f.). 6: eut. 7: tense? 8: subjunctive. Why?]
B. Use compound tenses, and substitute conjunctive pronouns for words in italics in the following exercise:
1. A ragged man met the actors. 2. Didn't he recognize the ladies? 3. The count has found his servants sword in hand. 4. They had stolen the five louis d'or. 5. He pulled the money from his pocket. 6. He showed[1] me his gardens. 7. I saw the men appear. 8. He has forgotten his position. 9. He reached the end of the scaffolding. 10. A mason has worked at it. 11. The artist didn't hear the masons. 12. The mason seized the brush. 13. The mason's explanation changed his wrath into gratitude. 14. He would have led the troops against Henry IV. 15. Henry IV's cavalry beat his troops. 16. He had received some good melons.[2] 17. He left the table. 18. He had lost the opportunity.
[Footnotes 1: montrer. 2: en, partitive pronoun.] 

热门TAG: 法语语法学习

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