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时间:2024-03-08来源:互联网 进入法语论坛
核心提示:Pronominal use of en and y.--Order in the sentence.ExamplesJe suis content de mon sort.I am satisfied with my lot.J'en s
Pronominal use of en and y.--Order in the sentence.
Je suis content de mon sort. I am satisfied with my lot.
J'en suis content, j'en suis fier. I am satisfied with it, I am proud of it.
Je suis allé au théâtre; j'y ai vu Talma. Y êtes-vous allé? I went to the theatre; I saw Talma there. Did you go (there)?
J'ai des pommes.--Donne-m'en.--Je vous en donne.--Donnes-en en à ma sœur aussi.--Ne lui en donne pas. Etc. I have some apples.--Give me some.--I give you some.-- Give some to my sister, too.--Don't give her any. Etc.
Je vous y envoie.--Envoyez m'y.--Envoies-y Jean.--Ne m'y envoie pas. Etc. I send you there.--Send me there.--Send John there.--Don't send me there. Etc.
A. 1. There is good wine at Choisy, I am going there to get some. 2. There is some missing, and I can't guess the reason for it. 3. My friend is going to give a ball[1] and I am invited to it. 4. If you have any, give me a little.[2] 5. Give John some. Don't give him too much.[3] 6. If I had any horses, I would make a present of them to the army. 7. I didn't do anything of the sort.[4] 8. I had fifty francs and I kept five. 9. They [5] didn't like my tragedy, and I am very much displeased about it. 10. If you complain about it, they will go away. 11. I went to the University of X to get my doctor's degree. 12. I got it.[6] 13. You have such a fine chance, you ought to take advantage of it. 14. We can't receive you; I am very sorry about it. 15. They tell a funny story about him.[7] 16. Vernet was very famous, but the cavalryman didn't realize[8] it. 17. He didn't disclose[9] himself to the artist. 18. How much was he willing to put into it? 19. Give me some, I beg of you (to do so).[10] 20. Think of it![11] His life is at stake![12] 21. I can't make head nor tail of it.[13] 22. This wine is diminishing, although it is[14] in a sealed jug.
[Footnotes 1: bal (m.). 2: un peu. 3: trop. 4: je n'en ai rien fait. 5: On. 6: Y être reçu. 7: not en here. Why? 8: se rendre compte de. 9: s'ouvrir (à). 10: en. 11: penser (à). 12: il y va de. 13: je n'y entends rien. 14: subjunctive. Why?]
B. Word Study, based on «Le Portrait du Cuirassier.»
(a) Define, in French, the following words:
artiste, talent, entendre, se rendre compte, célèbre, atelier, portrait, cher, valoir, esquisse.
(b) Define, in French, at least one word cognate with each of the following:
conter, amuser, désirer, demander, répondre, marchander, vivre, peintre, nature, nom, compte, ouvrier, guerrier, dessin, grand, haut, brave, bon, triomphant, beau, fort.
Example: conter. Un conteur est un auteur de contes. 

热门TAG: 法语语法学习

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