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时间:2024-03-13来源:互联网 进入法语论坛
核心提示:Use of prepositions with infinitives.A. 1. I was on the point of greeting[1] him. 2. I have not had the opportunity to s
Use of prepositions with infinitives.
A. 1. I was on the point of greeting[1] him. 2. I have not had the opportunity to see his play. 3. He cannot fail to be surprised. 4. I asked him if he was in the habit of being so polite. 5. It was necessary to stop[2] reading in bed for the doctor had forbidden him to do it. 6. One loses nothing by being[3] polite. 7. He seems to be unaware that it is hard to learn to speak French. 8. French is easier to read than to speak. 9. It is easier to learn it in France than at home. 10. It is hard to govern kingdoms, but they are easier to govern than women. 11. They invited me to dine at their house, but I am too ill to go. 12. He started reading the paper,[4] without thinking[3] of[5] eating,[3] but he was not long[6] in getting[3] hungry, and he finally[7] breakfasted. 13. I expected to see him in Paris, but he had gone to see his father at Lyons. 14. I have just[8] given him his money. 15. He had come to avenge himself, and he wasn't long in doing it. 16. If he happens[9] to lose his saber, he will have to give himself up. 17. I can't keep[10] from telling you that I have succeeded in avenging[3] myself. 18. Are you hard to fool?[11] 19. She was astonished to see him. 20. How do you expect[12] me[13] to give you back[14] your money?
[Footnotes 1: saluer. 2: cesser. 3: infinitive. 4: le journal. 5: à. 6: tarder. 7: finir par. 8: venir de. 9: venir à. 10: m'empêcher de. 11: tromper. 12: voulez-vous. 13: que je. 14: rendre; why subjunctive?]
B. Word Study. Define, in French, one or more words of the same family as each of the following:
éclater, savoir, tarder, perdre, venger, marier, défendre, vainqueur, connaisseur, jugement, usage, bonhomme, chapeau, avis, ruse, pénible, patriotique, certain, malade, étrange, poli, médical. 

热门TAG: 法语语法学习

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