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时间:2024-03-19来源:互联网 进入法语论坛
核心提示:Negatives. Ne ... pas, point, jamais, plus, gure, rien, personne, pas un, que, aucun, nul, ni.-Order of negative particl
Negatives. Ne ... pas, point, jamais, plus, guère, rien, personne, pas un, que, aucun, nul, ni.-Order of negative particles with infinitive.--Omission of pas after savoir, pouvoir, cesser, oser.--Que introducing oui, non, etc., after verbs of saying, thinking and the like.--Idioms: aller chercher, envoyer chercher, vouloir bien, valoir la peine.
1. Don't speak to me. 2. I didn't speak to you. 3. She hardly pays attention to what people[1] say to her. 4. This table is good for[2] nothing, but never mind,[3] I don't need[4] it any longer. 5. I didn't sleep at all[5] last night. 6. That pig isn't worth the trouble of stealing[6] it. 7. I wrote but[7] a single sentence. 8. Not a one of us was invited to the dinner. 9. No author is more celebrated for[8] his wit than he. 10. Nobody fears him; he never opens his[9] mouth. 11. What have you found? Nothing. 12. Haven't you any confidence in him? None. 13. I asked him if he was satisfied and he said no. 14. Has dinner been served? Not yet. 15. Have they[1] sent for the doctor? I think so.[10] 16. I've only eaten three fish. 17. Nothing is harder than to talk when one would prefer not[11] to utter a single word. 18. He can't and[12] won't learn French. 19. Why doesn't he go get the surgeon? 20. He doesn't know wher to find him. 21. He doesn't stop[13] grumbling.[6] 22. Neither the king nor the rustic knew how to keep the pig from squealing.[6] 23. Never will I be able to do it. 24. None of the bombs burst near us. 25. Voltaire ate nothing but fish. 26. Will you kindly not sing so loudly[14]? 27. Will you pronounce this word? Yes, I am willing. 28. It isn't worth the trouble.
[Footnotes 1: on. 2: valoir. 3: n'importe (omit pas). 4: avoir besoin de. 5: point; order? 6: infinitive. 7: ne ... que. 8: par. 9: definite article. 10: oui. 11: aimerait mieux ne pas. 12: ni ne. 13: cesser. 14: fort.] 

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