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时间:2024-03-26来源:互联网 进入法语论坛
核心提示:Impersonal verbs.--Use of falloir.--Present participles. Relative clause used for active infinitive or present participl
Impersonal verbs.--Use of falloir.--Present participles. Relative clause used for active infinitive or present participle.--Review also weather and time expressions.
Il faut travailler pour réussir. One must work to succeed.
Il me faudra partir demain. I shall have to go to-morrow.
Il faut que l'enfant revienne. The child must come back.
Il lui faut un chapeau neuf. He needs a new hat.
Une femme charmante.--Une femme chantant la Marseillaise. A charming woman.--A woman singing the Marseillaise.
Je l'ai vu qui travaillait. I saw him work (working).
Il a cessé de chanter. He has stopped singing.
Il vaut mieux rester, il va pleuvoir. It is better to stay, it is going to rain.
Il est deux heures. It is two o'clock.
Il fait beau temps. The weather is fine.
A. 1. One must amuse oneself. 2. By [1] telling his stories, the story-teller keeps[2] himself from forgetting[3] them. 3. I have to have (I need) a book. 4. It is a question[4] of getting-revenge[3955 and there remains only[6] one way. 5. It seems[7] to me that it would be better to avenge yourself by[1] throwing him out of the window. 6. I see the king coming.[8] 7. It is half past seven; there still remains a quarter of an hour for[9] me to work. 8. He was walking in the park, because it was fine weather. 9. It happened[10] that he came to consult me. 10. It is an important matter. 11. Never mind,[11] it is better to wait. 12. We must not strike out the two remaining words. 13. What time is it? Must we be going? 14. It is fitting[12] that she remain[13] here. 15. She must amuse the children by telling them amusing stories. 16. Triboulet knows that his life is at stake.[14] 17. He is sure of dying.[3] 18. Far from amusing[3] me, he angered me. 19. Wishing to buy a hat, he entered the hatter's. 20. The following week it rained. 21. After filling[15] the sack, he started[16] to lift it. 22. Let[17] them[18] not have[19] him hanged.[20] 23. Do not suffer the peasant to approach[21] me.
[Footnotes 1: en. 2: empêcher. 3: not present participle. 4: s'agir. 5: se venger 6: ne ... que. 7: sembler. 8: relative clause. 9: omit. 10: arriver. 11: n'importe. 12: convenir. 13: subjunctive, why? 14: il y va de sa vie. 15: perfect infinitive. 16: vouloir. 17: que. 18: on. 19: faire; subjunctive, why? 20: infinitive. 21: s'approcher de; subjunctive, why?]
B. Word Study. Use in sentences: personne, personnage, perte, perdre, périr, péril, pitié, piteux, plaindre, plainte, pleurer, pleuvoir, poison, poisson, port, porte, pouvoir, pourvoir, propos, propre, repas, repasser, rester, reposer, sanglant, sanglot. 

热门TAG: 法语语法学习

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