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时间:2024-02-21来源:互联网 进入法语论坛
核心提示:Compound tenses.--Agreement of participles: Intransitive verbs conjugated with tre.ExampleLes dames sont parties bier.Th
Compound tenses.--Agreement of participles: Intransitive verbs conjugated with être.
Les dames sont parties bier. The ladies left yesterday.
A. 1. A lady has come to see you. 2. They have gone to church. 3. When I arrived, she had already gone out of the patient's room. 4. They have gone out to get some[1] fresh[1] air.[2] 5. His comrades came back at the end of three hours. 6. She would have fallen, if she had gone out. 7. They stopped at the Savoy Hotel. 8. The doctor and his wife came home[3] at midnight. 9. The singer had gone back to bed.[4] 10. All the sailor's ancestors had died in bed. 11. When his wife died, he remained a[1] widower two years. 12. Financial difficulties have arisen, and they have left for Paris. 13. She has gone to get the doctor. 14. When he arrives,[5] the lady will have died. 15. They would have left the chapel, if he and his daughter had not come at[6] that moment. 16. If he had not gone out, he would not have fallen. 17. They will have returned soon.[7] 18. It is necessary that you go[8] out for[9] air.[2] 19. I am astonished that your mother is[8] gone.
[Footnotes 1: omit 2: use definite article 3: rentrer. 4: se recoucher. 5: tense? 6: en. 7: bientôt. 8: subjunctive. Why?. 9: pour prendre.]
B. 1. Rubens had gone out to walk. 2. His comrades had not gone out. 3. They had stayed to look at the pictures. 4. They had drawn near[1] the pictures that Rubens had sketched. 5. They pushed each other. 6. One of them fell on the sketches and effaced them. 7. But they avoided the reproaches of their master. 8. One of them offered[2] to repair the misfortune. 9. The others applauded. 10. Van Dyck went to work. 11. Rubens returned after several hours. 12. He cast his eyes on the pictures that Van Dyck had sketched. 13. He thought that they[3] were his own[4] sketches. 14. He said that they were the best that he had ever done.
[Footnotes 1: s'approcher de. 2: offrir. 3: ce. 4: propres.] 

热门TAG: 法语语法学习

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