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时间:2024-03-01来源:互联网 进入法语论坛
核心提示:Review possessive pronouns.--Order in interrogative sentences.--Definite article used for possessive adjective.ExamplesE
Review possessive pronouns.--Order in interrogative sentences.--Definite article used for possessive adjective.
Est-il arrivé? Has he arrived?
Votre père le sait-il? Does your father know it?
Jean a-t-il des plumes? Has John any pens?
Combien ces montres coûtent-elles? How much do these watches cost?
Comment votre mère a-t-elle su la chose? How did your mother learn of the affair?
Pourquoi cet homme est-il venu? Why has this man come?
Il leva la tête. He raised his head.
Je me suis brossé les dents. I brushed my teeth.
A. 1. Did Pope have crooked legs? 2. Was he a[1] hunchback? 3. Did the peasant girl succeed in[2] hiring out? 4. wher did she visit? 5. Wasn't the lady's brain a little "off" (cracked)? 6. Why has the servant come back? 7. I like my profession better than yours. 8. That[3] is because you are a little soft-hearted. 9. When did the doctor put this book into your hands? 10. He has his mind full of the thing, hasn't he?[4] 11. The dog made a severe wound in my arm. 12. Is this cat yours or theirs? 13. I have a dog of my own.[5] 14. Don't stop up your ears, will you?[4] 15. The Spaniard had dirty hands, dirtier even[6] than mine. 16. I am going to take you to my house. 17. You may wash your hands, if you wish. 18. The fan isn't mine, it is my mother's,
[Footnotes 1: omit. 2: à. 3: ce. 4: n'est-ce pas? 5: à moi. 6: même.]
B. Word Study. In the following anecdote, substitute equivalents for expressions in italics: 

热门TAG: 法语语法学习

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