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时间:2024-03-08来源:互联网 进入法语论坛
核心提示:Relative Pronouns.ExamplesL'homme (le cheval, la vache, etc.), qui est devant la maison.The man who (the horse, cow, whi
Relative Pronouns.
L'homme (le cheval, la vache, etc.), qui est devant la maison. The man who (the horse, cow, which) is in front of the house.
La femme que je rencontre. La vache (le cheval) que je vends. The lady whom I meet. The cow (horse) which I am selling.
La fille de l'avocat qui est ici. The daughter of the lawyer who is here.
La fille de l'avocat, laquelle est ici, est malade. The lawyer's daughter, who is here, is ill.
L'homme avec qui je parle. The man with whom I speak.
Le livre dans lequel j'étudie. The book in which I study.
Le magasin auquel je vais, duquel je sors. The store to which I go, from which I come.
Je vous donnerai ce qui est ici, ce que j'ai trouvé. I'll give you what is here, what I found.
Le livre (l'homme) dont je parle. The book of which (the man of whom) I speak.
L'homme dont le fils est mort. The man whose son is dead.
L'homme dont je connais le fils. The man whose son I know.
La femme au fils de laquelle j'écrivais. The lady to whose son I was writing.
La ville dont je suis venu. The city whence I came.
Savez-vous de quoi s'agit? Do you know what it is about?
Donnez-moi de quoi écrire. Give me writing material.
Il n'a pas de quoi vivre. He has nothing to live on.
La ville où il se trouve. The city in which he is.
Le pays d'où il vient. The country from which he comes.
Etc. Etc.
A. 1. That man who is stopping before the picture, and whose attitude shows contempt, is a celebrated painter. 2. There is the picture that I like most.[1] 3. A horse that had no bit wouldn't have his[2] mouth covered with foam. 4. The coachman whose horse you saw didn't like the picture. 5. The man for whom he made the picture was in the crowd. 6. Here is a salon in which you can admire the pictures about which we were talking. 7. The bourgeois has eaten all[3] he has. 8. I haven't anything[4] to write with.[4] 9. She has enough[4] to live on.[5] 10. The uncle saw which[6] way the wind blew.[7] 11. The wife of the inventor, who (i.e. the wife) wrote me a letter, wishes to see me. 12. The machine that we made use of was invented by Edison. 13. There is the man with whose uncle I was walking. 14. He[8] is a man whose opinion I respect. 15. That person whose aspect[9] is so severe is the grenadier to whom the king spoke. 16. What made me mad, was[10] that they invited me to a dinner at which I found several of my relatives. 17. He fell dead at the moment when I freed my arms. 18. This painter whose uncle I am is a famous man. 19. There is nothing to be astonished about.[4] 20. The city from which he comes is Lyons.
[Footnotes 1: le mieux. 2: la. 3: supply "that which." 4: de quoi. 5: omit. 6-7: de quoi il retournait. 8: Ce. 9: l'aspect. 10: c'est.]
B. Word Study. Find opposites of the following words in the anecdotes included in this lesson: mauvais, recevoir, petit, sécurité, mal, avant, court, fermer, laid, admiration, pauvre, mourir, près, âgé, beaucoup, ignorer, demander, défendre de, commencement, tranquille, lent, hardi, vieux.
Use these words and their opposites in original sentences. 

热门TAG: 法语语法学习

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