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时间:2024-03-19来源:互联网 进入法语论坛
核心提示:Interrogatives.--Relative que in emphatic inversions.--Penser ; penser de. Jouer ; jouer de. Savoir; connatre.ExamplesQu
Interrogatives.--Relative que in emphatic inversions.--Penser à; penser de. Jouer à; jouer de. Savoir; connaître.
Qui est là?--Qui avez-vous vu?--Avec qui parlez-vous? Who is there?--Whom did you see?--With whom are you speaking?
De qui est-elle la fille? Whose daughter is she?
À qui est cette maison? Whose house is this?
Devinez qui j'ai vu. Guess whom I saw.
Qu'avez-vous vu?--Que faire?--Qu'en pensez-vous? What did you see?--What's to be done?--What do you think of it?
De quoi parlez-vous?--À quoi pensez-vous? What are you talking about?--What are you thinking about?
Savez-vous ce que c'est?--Quoi?--Devinez quoi. Do you know what it is?--What?--Guess what.
Je ne sais que dire ni que faire. I don't know what to say nor do.
Laquelle de ces plumes est la vôtre? Auquel de vos amis écrivez-vous? Duquel parlez-vous? Which of these pens is yours? To which of your friends are you writing? Of which one are you speaking?
Qui est-ce qui (or) qui. Who (subject).
Qui est-ce que (or) qui. Whom (object).
Qu'est-ce qui (only). What (subject).
Qu'est-ce que (or) que. What (object).
Qu'est-ce que la grammaire? (or)
Qu'est-ce que c'est que la grammaire? What is grammar?
Qu'est-ce? (simple question) } What is it?
Qu'est-ce que c'est? (emphatic)
Qu'est-ce que c'est que cela? (more insistent)
Quel livre avez-vous?--Quelle plume?--Je ne sais quelle idée lui est venue.--Quel homme! What book have you?--What pen?--I don't know what idea has struck him.--What a man!
C'est un beau pays que la France. France is a beautiful country.
Je ne le connais pas. I do not know him (acquaintance).
Il joue de la guitarre. He plays the guitar.
Savez-vous jouer aux cartes? Do you know how to play cards?
A. 1. Who sent you that letter? 2. Which of the letters did you mail? 3. Do you know to whom it was addressed? 4. Whose valet is he? 5. What did you find on the desk? 6. What was[1] it that the carter said to the culprit? 7. Did he know who had forged the signature? 8. What[2] was the patient's occupation? 9. What! He is gone? I don't know what to think of[3] it.[3] 10. Who is playing cards in that room? 11. I don't know what[4] I was thinking of.[5] 12. Whose[6] is this violin? 13. It is mine, what are you going to do with[3] it?[3] 14. Whom do you wish to see?--M. Blanc.--Which one,[7] the father or the son? 15. It is a difficult thing[8] to learn to write well. 16. Does she know how[7] to play the piano? 17. Don't you know what a forger is?[9] 18. I have no[10] use for[11] your advice. 19. "Oh ! A[12] fine thing it[7] is[7] to[8] know something!" says M. Jourdain in the «Bourgeois Gentilhomme» of Molière. 20. Did the doctor know what instrument he played? 21. The king did not know which country to attack first.[13] 22. Do you see that object? What is it? 23. If I knew him well, I would invite him.
[Footnotes 1: present. 2: adjective. 3: en. 4: quoi. 5: à; what order? 6: possession. 7: omit. 8: emphatic inversion; supply que. 9: "what it is that a forger." 10: omit pas. 11: que faire de. 12: definite article. 13: supply definite article.]
B. Make a list of interrogative words (adverbs, etc.) not included in examples above and illustrate their use in questions and exclamations. 

热门TAG: 法语语法学习

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