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时间:2023-12-28来源:互联网 进入法语论坛
核心提示:Position of adjectives.--Irregular adjectives.--Compound subject, agreement.--Forms and use of quel.ExamplesUn bon garon
Position of adjectives.--Irregular adjectives.--Compound subject, agreement.--Forms and use of quel.
Un bon garçon, Une petite femme, le jeune homme, les chevaux noirs, l'école française, la table ronde, la porte ouverte, un livre excellent. A good boy, a little woman, the young man, the black horses, the French school, the round table, the open door, an excellent book.
Le père et ses fils sont grand. The father and his sons are tall.
Le père et ses filles sont grands. The father and his daughters are tall.
Les portes et les fenêtres sont ouvertes. The doors and windows are open.
Un homme brave, un brave homme. A brave man, a worthy man.
Un beau garçon, un bel homme, une belle femme. A handsome boy, man, woman.
Quel livre avez-vous? Quelle plume? Quels hommes? Quelles femmes? Quel homme! What book have you? What pen? What men? What women? What a man!
A. 1. The young women were not at the theater. 2. The king is a ridiculous man. 3. The officer's clothes were very fine. 4. I noticed the absence of the fair sex. 5. French gamekeepers are proud of their lot. 6. Lucas is a homely[1] man. 7. If she could[2] get the empty place, she would be happy. 8. Old women[3] do not go on the stage. 9. Poor Fanny[3] carries the pears to market. 10. The poor man asks for[4] a new place. 11. Bad men[3] are often full of good intentions. 12. Fanny is a pretty woman. 13. She fills a difficult[5] rôle. 14. Old Lucas wore[6] a black hat. 15. Lucas and his wife are very old. 16. What a[4] pleasure! Jean will be mad with joy. 17. I want them[7] to raise the curtain at once.[8]
[Footnotes 1: laid. 2: imperfect tense. 3: Use definite article. 4: omit. 5: difficile. 6: porter. 7: qu'on followed by subjunctive. 8: tout de suite.]
B. Notice various meanings of devoir.
Il doit être ici. Must be, probably is.
Je dois partir demain. I am to leave to-morrow.
Je devais partir hier. I was to leave yesterday.
Il devra revenir. Will have to...
Ils ont dû vendre leur maison. Have had to...
Elle aurait dû le faire. Ought to have done...
Ils devraient étudier. Ought to study...
Il aura dû s'arrêter. Must have had to...
1. The king must be a ridiculous man. 2. Lucas was a homely man but his little gift must have pleased[1] Fanny. 3. She looked[2] happy, seated by the fireside. 4. Poor Fanny was to carry the beautiful pears to market. 5. I had gotten that far[3] when John arrived. 6. They have let it[4] be understood[5] that they are going to move. 7. I was supposed to fill a hard rôle. 8. The old king must have gotten impatient.[6] 9. You ought to have told me in the first place what[7] was the cause of the delay. 10. They were in the act[8] of raising the curtain, when the king arrived. 11. You will have to hold your tongue, otherwise[9] we will not get along together very well. 12. One[10] ought not to forget one's[11] benefactors. 13. If Jean wanted to get the place, he ought not to have forgotten the pears. 14. wher is Jean? He must be at the steward's. 15. wher have we gotten to? [12] 16. The steward was a worthy[13] man. 17. The new servant must have forgotten her good intentions. 18. The king wanted them[14] to raise the curtain. 19. I am afraid he will leave.[15] 20. I am afraid he cannot[16] get the place.
[Footnotes 1: faire plaisir à. 2: avoir l'air. 3: en être (là). 4: omit. 5: active infinitive. 6: s'impatienter. 7: quelle. 8: en train de. 9: autrement. 10: on. 11: ses. 12: cf. note. 13: brave. 14: qu'on with imperfect subjunctive. 15: subjunctive with ne. 16: subjunctive with ne... pas.] 

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