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时间:2023-12-28来源:互联网 进入法语论坛
核心提示:Future and conditional tenses.--The demonstrative adjective.--Meanings of present tense.--Est-ce que.--Use of past tense
Future and conditional tenses.--The demonstrative adjective.--Meanings of present tense.--Est-ce que.--Use of past tenses.
Il sera déjà parti. He must have (probably has) left.
Le ferez-vous? Will you (are you going to) do it?
But: Voulez-vous le faire? Will you (are you willing to, do you want to) do it?
Étudiez-vous? Do you study; are you studying?
J'étudie. I study; I am studying.
Je voudrais partir. I would like to go.
Ils ne sauraient trouver le chemin. They couldn't possibly (wouldn't know how to) find the way.
Il chanta la Marseillaise (literary). } He sang the Marseillaise.
Il a chanté la Marseillaise (coloquial)
Il chantait. He was singing, used to sing, etc.
Votre père est-il arrivé? } Has your father arrived?
Est-ce que votre père est arrivé?
Ce garçon, cet homme, cette femme, ces livres-ci, ces plumes-là. This (or that) boy, man, woman, these books, those pens.
A. 1. That boat yonder is going to depart. 2. This Irishman is pulling a cable. 3. The length of this cable doubtless must[1] have[1] exhausted his patience. 4. I'd like to leave this evening.[2] 5. The sultan's favorite threw this stone. 6. Is revenge permitted[3] men? 7. If my enemy were[4] powerful, revenge would be imprudent. 8. If I were[4] cowardly, I would throw a stone at that camel. 9. The Irishman was hauling a cable, when he received[5] the order to[6] start. 10. She used to know the queen formerly.[7] 11. If I succeed, I will have the honors of the day. 12. If a man is clever, does he always succeed? 13. If you are happy, your enemy is unhappy. 14. Did[8] he find[9] these stones in his pocket? 15. Are they picking up those stones? 16. If I should succeed,[4] I would be happy. 17. If you are in Hades, I won't be able to get you out.[10] 18. I couldn't[11] possibly[8] tell you (it).
[Footnotes 1: future of avoir. 2: soir (m.). 3: permise aux. 4: imperfect indicative. 5: past indefinite. 6: de. 7: autrefois. 8: omit. 9: What tense? 10: vous en tiler. 11: conditional of savoir.]
B. 1. People[1] made fun of the cardinal. 2. Did he learn that the cardinal had fallen into disgrace? 3. He was very shrewd but clumsy.[2] 4. I shall take-care[3] not[4] to fall. 5. If I were[4] to[4] go to work,[5] I should succeed. 6. What has become of[6] the queen? 7. I'd like to[4] know what[7] has become of her.[8] 8. The boat has[9] probably[4] left already.[10] 9. He did not receive the order to depart. 10. This man was a good diver formerly.[11] 11. If she guessed the trick, she would get even. 12. The queen was eating, when she heard a great noise. 13. If this man were clever, he would know how[4] to[4] avenge himself. 14. Marc Antony was[12] a great general. 15. She did not know that he had caught a fish.
[Footnotes 1: on. 2: idiom: avoir la main lourde. 3: prendre garde. 4: omit. 5: se mettre à l'œuvre. 6: est devenue. 7: ce que. 8: elle est devenue. 9: future of être. 10: déjà. 11: autrefois. 12: past definite.] 

热门TAG: 法语语法学习

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