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时间:2024-01-19来源:互联网 进入法语论坛
核心提示:Voici.--Voil.--Il y a.--Expressions with avoir.--Se trouver.--Aimer mieux.--Venir de.ExamplesO se trouve votre pre? Le v
Voici.--Voilà.--Il y a.--expressions with avoir.--Se trouver.--Aimer mieux.--Venir de.
Où se trouve votre père? Le voilà. wher is your father? There he is.
Il y a beaucoup de monde ici. There are many people here.
J'aime mieux les pommes que les poires. I like apples better than pears.
Voici mon fils. Il vient d'arriver. Here is my son. He has just arrived.
J'ai faim. Elle a soif. I am hungry. She is thirsty.
Elles ont peur. They are afraid.
Nous avons besoin de souliers. We need shoes.
Etc. Etc.
A. 1. There is a member of Congress. 2. When the lion is hungry, he roars loudly.[1] 3. I was sleepy, that is[2] why I slept so soundly. 4. There was a revolution in[3] France. 5. You don't need this money. 6. This little girl is six years old.[4] 7. This is the second watch[5] I have bought[6] this year. 8. What-is-the-matter-with-you,[7] young man? 9. Were they not ashamed to fight for money? 10. Pardon me, you are wrong. 11. It will be useless for you[8] to[4] talk. 12. Here are your apples, sir. 13. What's the matter?[9] Are you afraid of the lion? 14. He was very[103] thirsty,[10] and there was no[12] water[13] in the village. 15. There was[14] a lively discussion. 16. One evening, some years ago, he was[15] in a Southern[16] village. 17. Napoleon would rather[17] fight for glory than for money. 18. He has just been listening to[4] the debates. 19. The king wasn't cold because[18] he had on[19] all his clothes. 20. I am always warm when I wear my cloak. 21. I am afraid my watch will stop.[20] 22. I would be afraid if he were[21] not here. 23. I am ashamed that he is[22] not here.
[Footnotes 1: très fort. 2: voilà. 3: en. 4: omit. 5: supply que. 6: achetée. 7: qu'avez-vous? 8: vous aurez beau. 9: qu'y a-t-il? 10: bien. 11: soif. 12: pas de. 13: eau. (f.). 14: past definite. 15: se trouver. 16: du Midi. 17: aimer mieux. 18: parce que. 19: porter. 20: subjunctive with ne. 21: imperfect indicative. 22: subjunctive.]
B. Word Study.--based on «Le Loup et le Chien.» Suggest at least two expressions for words in italics.
1. There was once a wolf who was looking for adventure. 2. once he was very[1] hungry. 3. He met a dog; "there's my meal," says he. 4. He gets ready to eat this dog immediately. 5. But the dog calls his attention to his leanness, and begs him to wait a while. 6. His master had just inherited property.[2] 7. He was going to give a lot of dinners. 8. The dog couldn't[3] fail to fatten during this time. 9. Then the wolf could eat the dog. 10. "I would rather[4] eat you now," says he. 11. But the wolf had the simplicity to let the dog get away. 12. He came back to get the dog on[2] the appointed day, but the sly fellow had informed his comrades of the neighborhood. 13. They fell upon the wolf at once.
[Footnotes 1: très. 2: omit. 3: use savoir. 4: aimer mieux.] 

热门TAG: 法语语法学习

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